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100+ CLUB

Crawley Catholic Parish 100+ Club

The 100 Club has been in existence since 1997.

The current administrators (Teresa and Peter Guyver) have been running the 100 Club since 2017.

The Club changed its name to 100+ Club so as not to limit the number of members that can take part. There is no restriction as to how many numbers a member can have. You do not have to be a Parishioner to participate, family and friends are welcome to join.


There are two draws held each year with approximately ten prizes drawn each time.

The Prize Draw is generally held after Mass at one of the Parish Churches so that Parishioners can stay and watch.

Members pay £12 annually, per number.

Half the money collected is donated to the Catholic Parish of Crawley and the other half is paid away as member prizes.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Crawley Catholic Parish 100+ Club, please download and complete the application form below.

Completed membership application forms (also available at our Parish Churches) should be sent with payment (cheques made payable to St Francis and St Anthony Church):

Peter & Teresa Guyver

21 Stonefield Close



West Sussex

RH10 6AU




100+ Club Applications

c/o the Crawley Catholic Parish Office

The Friary

Haslett Avenue West


West Sussex

RH10 1HR



Teresa and Peter Guyver

Telephone on 01293 527768 or 07956959897


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Crawley Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton
The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a Registered

Charity No. 252878

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