St Edward the Confessor
St Edward the Confessor
A Brief History
A Brief History

Our Parish has a wonderful opportunity to boost its income through Gift Aid.
Please complete the Declaration Form and return it to the Parish Office in person or via Email at:
The parish is most grateful to you for your generosity and commitment.
The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton
An explanatory note for Parish Donors
Gift Aid is a Government scheme which applies to most
collections and donations to parishes whether regular or one-off. Donors complete a very simple Declaration to allow the Diocese to
reclaim tax on donations. This is possible because parishes are part of the Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust, which is a registered charity (number 252878).
You must be a UK taxpayer and pay an amount of income or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax reclaimed by all charities including the Diocese. For example, if during a tax year you gave £80 you should have paid at least £20 in tax – which is the amount the Diocese will reclaim. If you pay less Income and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations, it is your responsibility to repay any difference to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
The Declaration would cover most parish collections and donations such as Offertory, internal Diocesan collections such as for the Lourdes Pilgrimage, the Retired Priests fund, Cathedral Maintenance,
Diocesan Missionary Endeavour and the Education of Future Priests. In addition the Christmas and Easter collections for the support of the Clergy are covered and some second collections where the parish can determine how the funds are disbursed: for example collections for parish maintenance or a charitable parish project.
Collections for named third parties such as, CAFOD, APF, Peter’s Pence, Catholic Communications Network and Apostleship of the Sea etc. cannot be included because neither the parish nor the Diocese can determine how the funds are used.
Tax rebates can only be reclaimed on recorded donations – standing orders, cheques or cash/cheques enclosed in numbered envelopes.
The Gift Aid Declaration is valid for four years prior to the year in which it is completed and runs for
your lifetime or until you cancel it. You only need to complete one Declaration and this will apply to
all donations to any Parish. If you move to a new Parish simply inform their Gift Aid Organiser that
you have already completed a Declaration and they will arrange to add you to their Scheme.